Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Benefits of Broadband Satellite Dsl Vs Dialup Internet way

If you are one of the millions of U.S. Internet users still connecting straight through a dialup Internet aid victualer due to regional limitations, there is a light at the end of the tunnel just for you. High Speed Internet entrance Is ready To You! Even if your local telco and cable clubs have forgotten about you, you can still receive High Speed Internet via Satellite. Using similar tool to what is used for satellite television, high speed Internet can be brought to you in any place in the U.S., provided you have a clear view of the southern sky. While satellite Internet aid used to be cost-prohibitive for most people, times are changing. Satellite Dsl is now ready for prices comparable to other types of residential high speed Internet access.

How It Works

Broadband Satellite Internet

Unlike customary Dsl or Cable Internet connections, Satellite Broadband is provided via a small satellite dish, similar to those used for television. The dish is a two-way device, being used for both sending and receiving of the satellite signal that provides Internet access. A satellite modem (similar to the modems provided by local Dsl and cable companies) connects your computer(s) to the broadband signal provided by the dish. A router can also be added to share entrance among any computers in the same location.


Like telco Dsl and cable-company provided Internet, there are separate aid levels ready for separate prices. Prices are slightly higher than those of Dsl and Cable companies, but if you don't have any other options, satellite Dsl is a great alternative. Speeds from 512k to 5Mbps are ready from most providers. Even at the lowest offering (512k), the speed is almost 15-20 times that of dialup (at an average dialup relationship speed of 33.6k).

Below is a price comparison of 4 separate services - 1.) An average "high-speed" dialup connection, 2.) An average cable enterprise connection, 3.) An average residential telco Dsl connection, 4.) A WildBlue Satellite Dsl connection, and 5.) A HughesNet Satellite Dsl connection.

1.) "High-Speed" dialup (* high-speed dialup is "compressed" dialup - while it can be slightly faster, there is a trade off in terms of visual quality, and at times the article will not be "fresh" - i.e. A cached copy)

Starting at .95 / month (on average) for a 56k relationship (assuming your phone lines are high enough quality to reserve 56k - most aren't)

Cost / Speed (kbps) = .24 / kbps

2.) An average cable enterprise relationship at 4Mbps (cable clubs almost all the time wish at least basic cable television aid along with internet service)

Starting at / month

Cost / Speed (kbps) = .02 / kbps

3.) An average residential telco Dsl aid at 768k

Starting at / month (after their "introductory" offering)

Cost / Speed (kbps) = .05 / kbps

4.) A WildBlue Satellite Dsl relationship at 1Mbps (middle of their aid offerings)

.95 / month

Cost / Speed = .07 / kbps

5.) A HughesNet Satellite Dsl relationship at 1Mbps (lowest of their aid offerings)

.99 / month

Cost / Speed = .06 / kbps

As you can see, from a cost vs. Speed standpoint, every type of Internet entrance is far less expensive than dialup. In areas where cable and telco Dsl aren't available, using satellite Dsl is about 1/4 the price (cost vs. Speed). With the added benefits of not requiring the use of your phone line, and having instant-on Internet access, it's well a great deal.

The Drawbacks Of Satellite Internet Access

Every silver lining has a cloud. Satellite Internet entrance has two main drawbacks that you'll need to consider.

First and prominent is called latency. Because the satellite tool must send a signal from your location to an orbiting satellite and back, the round trip time is greater than that of other relationship methods. Commonly this won't present a problem. Cases where it will cause problems are 1.) Voip or "Internet Phone" aid - these will not work properly with satellite Internet, and 2.) online gaming - the latency (or Ping) times are likely high enough to cause principal lag while gaming.

Second, and of lesser impact, is weather conditions. Severe weather can cause relationship problems, loss of speed, or lack of a relationship all-together. This ordinarily only happens under very severe weather (thunderstorms). On the other hand, computers (and most electronics in general) shouldn't be plugged in during severe thunderstorms, to prevent damage from lightning strikes (and no, surge strips Do Not protect you from lightning strikes).

For more information about Broadband Satellite Dsl service, availability, and pricing, please visit []

The Benefits of Broadband Satellite Dsl Vs Dialup Internet way

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